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Colifast ALARM

Colifast ALARM is an on-line instrument for detection of indicator bacteria in drinking water by using the patented Colifast Technology. The 100 mL water samples are automatically collected at programmad intervals and analysed for total Coliforms, thermotolerant Coliforms or E.coli. In addition, the NN BACTERIA ALARM measures turbidity level of the water. The system can automatically send results to the control room/operators via LAN, digital signals or by mobile phone network (SMS). The system can detect down to 1 cfu/100 mL, and results are obtained within 6-14/15 hours.

Category : Alat Uji Surveilans Air

Product Id : 9.3


  • Presence/Absence test in 100 mL

  • 6 – 15 hours

  • Turbidity

  • Runs 21 days unattended

  • Results via PLC, LAN and SMS

  • Verified by US-EPA ETV


The main components of the COLIFAST ALARM are the incubator reaction chamber, a flow injection pump system for liquid handling and a detector system including wavelength specific emitters combined with a spectrometer. The detection of down to 1 viable target bacterium is based on bacterial growth, group specific enzyme activity and measured concentrations of a fluorescent product (ppb MU). An increase in the number of target bacteria means an increase in the amount of β-D-glucuronidase (E.coli specific enzyme). The enzyme hydrolyses the growth medium substrate that releases MU (the fluorescent product) which yields a higher fluorescence signal on the COLIFAST ALARM The Colifast growth media contains inhibitors to prevent growth of non-coliforms.


COLIFAST ALARM Series is user friendly, and is easily operated via the embedded touch screen computer or by remote control via an external PC. A phone call can also be used to start or to stop the instrument. The software will automatically generate a folder with the date and time of the run start and will save report files in the folder. Detector reading above thershold will indicate presence of target bacteria (red) or high turbidity (blue) on the screen This will activate selected audio visual alarms and update report files and information boxes below. ◗ Detect 1 cfu / 100 mL and turbidity results are presented as 0,1 - 10 FNU/NTU.

Periodic Duty

It is can automatically collect and analyze a new sample every 15 hours.

It is very easy to operate. A colifast growth medium flask contains 20 tests,

and typically needs to be replaced every 20th day (test frequency ; 1 sample

every 24 hours).



IP 33 protection. 0-35ºC, < 95% Rel. Hum.

Power Supply


110 - 230V AC - 150W ( 110/230V - AC - 24V

DC 5A power supply included )



  • - LAN : Remote control, results download

  • - GSM Alarm modem : SMS Alarm messages to optional telephone numbers

  • - Digital outputs (relays) : Alarms via PLC /

  • Industrial interface system



External overflow sample collection container

External Acid, Na-Thiosulfate and waste containers

Tubing and adaptos ( included )

Reagents including disposable ready-to-use media


*(ordered for application)

500 ml external sample flask

External sample flask refrigerator

Water Sample


Nearby ( < 3 meters ) water / sample supply line

with flow regulator



645 x 420 x 360 mm ( H x W x D )

Dry Weight


31 kg




Colifast ALARM

%GETDATAFROMHERE% id=>d7d9cc61-ff72-44f6-90e4-12c2d665069f%batasdata% title=>Colifast ALARM%batasdata% slug=>colifast-alarm%batasdata% categories=>idcategories::alat-uji-surveilans-air%batascategories%titleAlat Uji Surveilans Air%batascategories%slug alat-uji-surveilans-air%batascategories%urlhttps://purnamalab.com/products/categories/alat-uji-surveilans-air%batasdata% url=>https://purnamalab.com/products/colifast-alarm%batasdata% api_url=>%api_url%&id=d7d9cc61-ff72-44f6-90e4-12c2d665069f%batasdata% date=>1643907600%batasdata% short_description=>Colifast ALARM is an on-line instrument for detection of indicator bacteria in drinking water by using the patented Colifast Technology. The 100 mL water samples are automatically collected at programmad intervals and analysed for total Coliforms, thermotolerant Coliforms or E.coli. In addition, the NN BACTERIA ALARM measures turbidity level of the water. The system can automatically send results to the control room/operators via LAN, digital signals or by mobile phone network (SMS). The system can detect down to 1 cfu/100 mL, and results are obtained within 6-14/15 hours.%batasdata% detail=>titleDescription%batasdetail%content
  • Presence/Absence test in 100 mL

  • 6 – 15 hours

  • Turbidity

  • Runs 21 days unattended

  • Results via PLC, LAN and SMS

  • Verified by US-EPA ETV


The main components of the COLIFAST ALARM are the incubator reaction chamber, a flow injection pump system for liquid handling and a detector system including wavelength specific emitters combined with a spectrometer. The detection of down to 1 viable target bacterium is based on bacterial growth, group specific enzyme activity and measured concentrations of a fluorescent product (ppb MU). An increase in the number of target bacteria means an increase in the amount of β-D-glucuronidase (E.coli specific enzyme). The enzyme hydrolyses the growth medium substrate that releases MU (the fluorescent product) which yields a higher fluorescence signal on the COLIFAST ALARM The Colifast growth media contains inhibitors to prevent growth of non-coliforms.


COLIFAST ALARM Series is user friendly, and is easily operated via the embedded touch screen computer or by remote control via an external PC. A phone call can also be used to start or to stop the instrument. The software will automatically generate a folder with the date and time of the run start and will save report files in the folder. Detector reading above thershold will indicate presence of target bacteria (red) or high turbidity (blue) on the screen This will activate selected audio visual alarms and update report files and information boxes below. ◗ Detect 1 cfu / 100 mL and turbidity results are presented as 0,1 - 10 FNU/NTU.

Periodic Duty

It is can automatically collect and analyze a new sample every 15 hours.

It is very easy to operate. A colifast growth medium flask contains 20 tests,

and typically needs to be replaced every 20th day (test frequency ; 1 sample

every 24 hours).



IP 33 protection. 0-35ºC, < 95% Rel. Hum.

Power Supply


110 - 230V AC - 150W ( 110/230V - AC - 24V

DC 5A power supply included )



  • - LAN : Remote control, results download

  • - GSM Alarm modem : SMS Alarm messages to optional telephone numbers

  • - Digital outputs (relays) : Alarms via PLC /

  • Industrial interface system



External overflow sample collection container

External Acid, Na-Thiosulfate and waste containers

Tubing and adaptos ( included )

Reagents including disposable ready-to-use media


*(ordered for application)

500 ml external sample flask

External sample flask refrigerator

Water Sample


Nearby ( < 3 meters ) water / sample supply line

with flow regulator



645 x 420 x 360 mm ( H x W x D )

Dry Weight


31 kg




Colifast ALARM

%batasrowdetail%%batasdata% images=>https://purnamalab.com/assets/product/2.3-Colifast-ALARM.png%batasrowimages%%batasdata% bg_image=>https://purnamalab.com/assets/product/bg/2.3-Colifast-ALARM.png%batasdata% fg_image=>https://purnamalab.com/assets/product/fg/2.3_Colifast_ALARM-removebg-preview.png%batasdata% pdf=>%batasdata% last_modified=>1729582631%batasdata% order=>15%batasdata% product_number=>3%batasdata% published=>1%batasrow%%GETDATAFROMHERE%

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